
Currently testing with nodejs v9.9.0 and V8 6.2.414.46-node.22.

 npm install

If your native hdf5 libraries aren’t at the default you can set the path with –hdf5_home_linux switch on this project as well as dependent projects.

 npm install hdf5 --hdf5_home_linux=<your native hdf path>

If you want static native linking set –link_type to static

 npm install hdf5 --link_type=static --hdf5_home_linux=<your native hdf path>

For mac and windows the switches are –hdf5_home_mac & –hdf5_home_win


  • HDF5 C Library v5-1.10.0-patch1 (Prior v5-1.8.x’s untested yet should work)

native install on Ubuntu

If you don’t already have and don’t know where your native hdf5 install is located:

sudo apt install libhdf5-dev

The installed location could be /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/hdf5/serial


The code requires a gcc compiler supporting C++11 for linux, MacOSX & Windows. The binding.gyp defines the cflags with -std=c++11.

In a working copy of git

export NODE_PATH=/home/user/NodeProjects/hdf5.node/build/Release:$NODE_PATH
npm install  --hdf5_home_linux=<your native hdf path>

NODE_PATH is still used for the mocha tests.

Environment Variables

The path to the HDF5 shared objects must be added to the runtime library search path.

for linux example:


for Mac OSX example:


for Windows example:

set PATH=$PATH;<PATH-TO-YOUR-HDF5>/hdf5/bin

If you want one of the third party filters available put its install path on HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH

export HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH=/home/user/NodeProjects/HDF5Plugin

Running Test

The tests are based on co-mocha

mocha --harmony --require should  --require co-mocha